Working with states, municipalities, and healthcare providers to bring solutions through reliable and timely diagnostic testing.
Our commitment to the community, our clients, and each other produces successful leaders in our organization, and the industry as a whole.

SAFETY: Provides for the safety and health concerns of our employees, our clients, their patients, and the community.

ATTITUDE: Promotes a positive attitude and eagerness required to deliver successful results on a timely basis to our clients and the community.

RESPECT: Interacts with our employees, clients and their patients with professionalism, dignity and respect while supporting an environment of innovation and excellence.

INTEGRITY: Conducts business through strong ethical standards, assuring compliance to state and federal regulations with transparency and honesty.

SYNERGY: Provides a TEAM which is greater than the sum of all its parts, where collaboration becomes the key to the success of the individual and the organization.

QUALITY: Maintains a consistent degree of excellence and compliance to all state and federal regulations in a constant pursuit of improvement.
Providing an environment and opportunity for our employees to grow and succeed in a safe and secure workplace. We provide excellence and innovation to our clients and community, utilizing the state-of-the-art technology.